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Depends on advantage compared to what. There may not be any advantage compared with representing data in graph form.

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Q: What is the advantage of presenting data in table form?
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What is tabular presentation?

It means, "In the form of a table," that is, a data table. As opposed to other less efficient/organized means of presenting data.

What are the methods of presenting data?

two methods of presenting data 1.tabular form 2.pictorial form

What are the importance of presenting data in graphical form?

The data can also b presented with the help of graphs.Graphs are an attractive way of presenting the informatin and it can easy to under stand.

What is an input form in Excel?

When data is in a table a form can be used to enter the data and it will add a new record to the table. This can be accessed from the Data menu or tabs.

Which is the best form of presenting data in graphical form?

There is no universally best form. Different data sets may require different forms, and the choice will also depend on what aspect of the data you wish to highlight.

What is a pictorial representation of data?

Which of the following is not a form of presenting data?

What are the importance of table form query in database?

In database system the data is stored in the form of table. So to store the data in the database, table are very important in a database system.

What is the difference between a table and a figure?

a table shows lists of data, a figure represents data in graphic form

When do you use a data table?

when you have data in table form (multilpe objects that have the same properties ie. person { name, email } )

What are the importance of presenting data?

Data presentation tools are potent communication tools that can effectively showcase enormous amounts of complex material in a simplified form while simultaneously making the data simply intelligible and readable. They also maintain the interest of its readers.

What are the two ways of presenting a data?

There are numerous ways of presenting data. But if you have to narrow it two alternatives, I can only assume that they would be written and visually. A properly prepared scientific report uses both a written section describing the data in word form and also various tables and possibly diagrams to visually describe the data.

When you link to data in a worksheet the data appears as a table in the Access database but is it maintained in its original form in Excel?

The data will be in its original form, but any changes in the data will be reflected in the Excel document, as will changing the Excel document affect the Access table. It is the same data when it is linked, not copied.