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The data can also b presented with the help of graphs.Graphs are an attractive way of presenting the informatin and it can easy to under stand.

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Q: What are the importance of presenting data in graphical form?
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Which is the best form of presenting data in graphical form?

There is no universally best form. Different data sets may require different forms, and the choice will also depend on what aspect of the data you wish to highlight.

Definition of graphical presentation in statistics?

It is simply the presentation of information in a visual form. There are very many ways of presenting different aspects of data.

What is a graphical form of showing discrete data?

the graphical is a graph on which we express the pattern in graphical form.

What are the importance of presenting data?

Data presentation tools are potent communication tools that can effectively showcase enormous amounts of complex material in a simplified form while simultaneously making the data simply intelligible and readable. They also maintain the interest of its readers.

What are the methods of presenting data?

two methods of presenting data 1.tabular form 2.pictorial form

What is the definition of tabular and graphical form?

Tabular refers to the representation of data in a table. Graphical form refers to the representation of data in a graph.

What depicts data in graphical form?

A graph or chart.

What is presentation graphic?

A graphical representation is a visual display of data and statistical results. It is often more effective than presenting data in tabular form. There are many different types of graphical representation and which is used depends on the nature of the data and the type of statistical results. An appropriate graphical representation of category frequencies is a pie chart, where each slice represent a different category and slice angles are proportional to the frequencies of the categories. Another graphical method used for category frequencies is a bar chart, where each bar represents a different category and the heights of the bars are proportional to the frequencies of the categories.

What is the advantage of presenting data in table form?

Depends on advantage compared to what. There may not be any advantage compared with representing data in graph form.

What is a pictorial representation of data?

Which of the following is not a form of presenting data?

Why display data in the form of a chart?

To present a graphical representation of the data that makes it easier for the viewer to compare data items with the whole data set (pie chart) or with each other (bar chart).

What is tabular presentation?

It means, "In the form of a table," that is, a data table. As opposed to other less efficient/organized means of presenting data.