Every five minutes is thirty degrees. 1:55 is either 60 or 300 degrees.
obtuse angle
obtuce angle
It is a obtuse angle.
There is no angle "between" one hand of a clock.
The angle formed is 60 degrees.
The hands of a clock at 2 o'clock will form an acute angle of 60 degrees
As one angle increases, its counterpart on the clock decreases. The acute angle is greater at 8 o'clock but the reflex angle is greater at 10 o'clock.
A right angle which is 90 degrees
always forms an angle, unless it is a digital clock. 0 degrees is and angle, so is 360, and 1021283
The angle in which the hands of the clock make at five o'clock is 150o.
The answer depends on the angle between WHAT and WHAT!
right angle