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Reflex angle.

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Q: What is the angle that is bigger than obtuse but smaller than revolution called?
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Related questions

Is 165 degrees obtuse?

Yes. Every angle bigger than 90 (and smaller than 180) is obtuse, and smaller ones of 90 are acute.

Which angle is smaller abutse or acute?

obtuse is bigger than acute

Which angle is obtuse?

it is the angle that is bigger than 90% but smaller than 180%

Why is a obtuse angle called a obtuse angle?

A obtuse angle is called an obtuse angle because if obtuse means bigger in degrees and a right angle is 90 degrees than a obtuse angle must be over 90 degrees.

What is an odtuse angle?

Obtuse An obtuse angle is an angle that is bigger than 90 degrees but smaller than 180 degrees to see examples search obtuse angle in google images

How are acute angles alike from obtuse angles?

They are both either bigger or smaller than a right angle

Which angles are obtuse?

all angles that are more then 180 degrees. * * * * * No, angles which arer more than 180 degrees are called reflex angles. An obtuse angle is one whose measure is between 90 and 180 degrees. It is, therefore, always smaller than 180 degrees.

What is an angle called that is more than an obtuse angle?

An angle bigger than an obtuse angle but still less than 360° is a reflex angle.

How do the acute and obtuse angles compare to the right angle?

I think obtus is smaller than right angle (90°) and acute is bigger.

What is an obtuse vertical angle?

Angles larger than a right angle and smaller than two right angles (between 90° and 180°) are called obtuse angles("obtuse" meaning "blunt").

What shape has a bigger angle than a right angle?

This question is impossible to answer there is no bigger angles than a right which are called obtuse angles and are definitely impossible

What kind of angle is 96 degrees?

Angles larger than a right angle and smaller than a straight angle (between 90° and 180°) are called obtuse angles ("obtuse" meaning "blunt"). An angle equal to 1. /. 2 turn (180° or π radians) is called a straight angle.