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True if the variable is non-negative, false if the variable itself is negative.

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Q: What is the answer to 0 is greater than or equal to negative 912 variable?
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Not sure what the "equal" on the end is for but zero is greater than negative one. -1<0 0>-1 -1<0<1

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Since both are variable, you need to plug in what the values are given in the problem, then subtract y from x. If the answer is zero , then they are equal. If the answer is a positive number then x is greater than y. If the answer is a negative number then y is greater than x.

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You have to flip the inequality sign. If it is less than(<) it has to become greater than(>). If it is greater than(>), it has to become less than(<). If it is less than equal to(<=), it has to become greater than equal to(>=). If it is greater than equal to(>=)., it must become less than equal to(<=).

Are negative numbers greater than less than or equal to positive numbers?

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At negative six on the x-axis, draw a vertical line. That line will be a solid line because we have that x is greater than OR EQUAL TO negative six. Then shade the right half of the graph -- which is where x has a value that is to the right (greater than) negative six