This is an unsolved problem in computer science; you can't expect to get an answer here, for a problem that nobody on Earth has solved yet! For more information, read the Wikipedia article "P versus NP problem". Briefly, it relates to the question whether or not there are problems that are "hard" to solve, but - once solved - "easy" to verify. This is one of the "millenium problems"; if you can find a proof that P = NP, or (more likely) that it isn't, you can earn a prize of a million dollars.
np means no pass, p means pass and i don't know what sp stand for.
The binomial distribution can be approximated with a normal distribution when np > 5 and np(1-p) > 5 where p is the proportion (probability) of success of an event and n is the total number of independent trials.
It is still an open question. NP is the class of problems which can be solved in polynomial time by a program run by the theoretical non-deterministic machine. (That is, there is a polynomial upper-bound for the time it would take for the machine to compute the answer, with respect to the size of the input). P is the class of problems which can be solved in polynomial time by a program run by an actual computer (or some abstract model thereof). So far it is not known for sure whether the two classes are the same or not. There are many problems which are known to be NP, and for which no polynomial solution for a real computer is known. However, there is currently no proof that such a solution does not exist (perhaps it does and no one has found it yet). That is why whether P equals NP or not is still an open problem.
House codes:/np @931629/np @709003Bootcamp like codes:/np @172976/np @608368/np @191205/np @842019/np @159932/np @593204/np @145219/np @1450120/np @449496/np @618999/np @801683/np @1014313/np @1444036/np @633644/np @808800/np @1444041Thats all I got sorry if some don't work I didn't check them allIf you want to find me on TFM my user is Butterbe
House codes: /np @931629 /np @709003 Bootcamp like codes: /np @172976 /np @608368 /np @191205 /np @842019 /np @159932 /np @593204 /np @145219 /np @1450120 /np @449496 /np @618999 /np @801683 /np @1014313 /np @1444036 /np @633644 /np @808800 /np @1444041 That's all I know, but I hope it'll be to help ^^
Yes, in logic, if p equals q, then q also equals p. This is known as the symmetric property of equality.
P is the class of problems for which there is a deterministic polynomial time algorithm which computes a solution to the problem. NP is the class of problems where there is a nondeterministic algorithm which computes a solution to the problem, but no known deterministic polynomial time solution
P = p + at 82 = 76 + a*20 6 = a*20 6/20 = a that is a = 3/10 or 0.3 That is the answer.
I think u can transfer manaphy from one of the Pokemon ranger gamesppp p oooooo k k eeeeeee mmmm mmmm oooooo nnnnnnp p o o kk e m m m m o o n np o o k k eeeeee m mmm m o o n np p o o k k e m m o o n np p o o k k e m m o o n np oooooo k k eeeeee m m oooooo n np
p = 8
P = Pieces/PartsD = Dozen
p = 0.001