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-6 - (-1) = -6 + 1 = -5

The rule is that if you have two of the same sign beside each other it equals a positive and if you have two different signs beside each other it equals a negative. So when you have - (-1) it equals + 1

Your questions is now (-6) + 1 which could also be +1 (-6). keep the terms and signs together when rearranging.

so your answer is -5.


It might help if you think of it visually. Imagine numbers as being piles on the ground, where the height of the pile is the value of the number. So the number 1 might be represented by a pile that's one foot high, the number 2 would be two feet high, and so on.

So if you take two of these piles, you can add them together with the same visualisation. If you take a pile that's one foot high and stack it onto another one that's two feet high, and you now have a single pile that's three feet high. In other words, we're saying 1 + 2 = 3.

Negative numbers work the same way, but instead of piles, think of them as holes in the ground. So the number negative one would be a hole that's one foot deep, negative two would be two feet deep, and so on.

If you add two negative numbers together, it's the same as adding those two holes together (think of it as digging one hole into the bottom of the other). So if you have a hole that's one foot deep, and dig another hole in the bottom that's two feet deep, you now have a hole that's three feet deep. In other words -1 + -2 = -3.

Now consider what happens when you take one of your piles, and place it into one of the holes. We're adding a pile (a positive number) to a hole (a negative number). What would happen is that the pile would sink down into the hole, and become that much shorter. If the pile is shorter than the hole to start with, then you will still have a hole in the ground, but not quite as deep. If the pile is taller than the hole, then you'll still have a pile, but not quite as tall. What we're doing here is adding a positive number to a negative number.

For example, say you have a pile that's three feet tall, and you're dropping it into a hole that's two feet deep. That pile would fill up the hole, and have a little left to spare. Since the pile is a foot taller than the hole is deep, you would have that one foot left over. In other words, 3 + -2 = 1

Similarly, if we take a pile that's only two feet high, and put it in a hole that's three feet deep, we now have a shallower hole that's one foot deep. That is, 2 + -3 = -1

Now try to visualise what we're doing when subtracting a negative number. How would you take a hole away? Why, you would fill it in of course! To remove a hole, you fill it with the same amount of dirt (or whatever that hole is dug into). In other words, to remove a hole, you add a pile to it. In the same way, to subtract a negative number, you simply add it.

In other words, saying:

-6 - -1

is exactly the same as saying:

-6 + 1

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Q: What is the answer to negative six minus negative one equal my teacher said when subtracting negatives it equals a positive Helpp?
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How do you determine negatives or positives in math equations?

Numbers are justified as positive, which is usually written as just a number but can be written with a plus (+) sign in front of the number. (e.g. 15 or +15), or negative. Negative numbers are numbers in the negative integers, or below 0. They are written with a minus (-) sign in front of them. (e.g. -15) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ..::To solve remember these rules::.. When multiplying: positive x negative = negative positive x positive = positive negative x negative = positive When dividing: positive / negative = negative positive / positive = positive negative / negative = positive When adding: In a positive + negative situation, if the negative number has a higher number than the positive (e.g. -25 + 10) then the number is negative, this is always true when adding a higher negative to a positive. If the positive has a higher number (e.g. 25 + -10) then it's just the opposite, it will be a positive number. -------------You can solve these very easily: 25 + -10 --> (25) + (-10) to keep it well organized and easier to work with,now just remember "Keep Change Change"... - keep 25 as it is, change "+" to a "-" and change the "-10" to a positive 10. As a result, you will have: 25 - 10. Now solve. Answer = 15 (positive). If for instance you have a negative + positive, the same rules apply (Keep Change Change) negative + negative = negative positive + positive = positive When subtracting: negative - positive (vice versa), use Keep Change Change as you did with adding positives and negatives. negative - negative, use Keep Change Change positive - positive, use Keep Change Change if the number you are subtracting is a higher number. (e.g. 10-15) If you need anymore help, try asking a more specific question again on Wikianswers, search for math websites on the web, or ask your teacher or college professor for help.

Does -7-14 equals -21?

Yes it does. My teacher taught me a cool trick when subtracting negative numbers. You keep the first number(negative or positive) change the sign to a plus and change the sign of the second number.

Is a negative times a negative times negative times a negative times a negative times a negative a positive?

yes didn't you learn it from your teacher?

What are positives and negatives to becoming an teacher?

A positive is definitely Holidays! When the kids get holidays so do the teachers!!! Imagine all the time off over Christmas!! Another positive is just the Satisfaction in teaching children. great working hours too 8.45 - 3.30!! A negative would be wages. It is not a very highly paid job. Naughty or trouble kids can be a negative too. A negative can be when you have to mark, waste your time talking to "annoying kids"

Is a negative number divided by a positive number is Positive or a negative?

The answer is negative, no matter if you had an equation like........-4/2=xx =-2Basically, if you can't think of what the answer would be, try it with the opposite sign. For example, -4/2=x could be turned into (x)(2) = -4. In this case, the negative is missing, so you would need to put it in. So if a negative number multiplied by a positive number is negative, the opposite must be true: A negative number divided by a positive number gives a negative is a song that will help with any complication with adding and subtracting negative numbers that my pre-algebra teacher taught me......(thanks Ms.Zachary!)Same sign add and keep,different sign subtract.Take the sign of the larger one,and then you'll be exact.

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How do you determine negatives or positives in math equations?

Numbers are justified as positive, which is usually written as just a number but can be written with a plus (+) sign in front of the number. (e.g. 15 or +15), or negative. Negative numbers are numbers in the negative integers, or below 0. They are written with a minus (-) sign in front of them. (e.g. -15) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ..::To solve remember these rules::.. When multiplying: positive x negative = negative positive x positive = positive negative x negative = positive When dividing: positive / negative = negative positive / positive = positive negative / negative = positive When adding: In a positive + negative situation, if the negative number has a higher number than the positive (e.g. -25 + 10) then the number is negative, this is always true when adding a higher negative to a positive. If the positive has a higher number (e.g. 25 + -10) then it's just the opposite, it will be a positive number. -------------You can solve these very easily: 25 + -10 --> (25) + (-10) to keep it well organized and easier to work with,now just remember "Keep Change Change"... - keep 25 as it is, change "+" to a "-" and change the "-10" to a positive 10. As a result, you will have: 25 - 10. Now solve. Answer = 15 (positive). If for instance you have a negative + positive, the same rules apply (Keep Change Change) negative + negative = negative positive + positive = positive When subtracting: negative - positive (vice versa), use Keep Change Change as you did with adding positives and negatives. negative - negative, use Keep Change Change positive - positive, use Keep Change Change if the number you are subtracting is a higher number. (e.g. 10-15) If you need anymore help, try asking a more specific question again on Wikianswers, search for math websites on the web, or ask your teacher or college professor for help.

Does -7-14 equals -21?

Yes it does. My teacher taught me a cool trick when subtracting negative numbers. You keep the first number(negative or positive) change the sign to a plus and change the sign of the second number.

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BECAUSE YOU LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES. and if you don't get that.. ask your math teacher..or English teacher... both concepts in both subjects

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yes didn't you learn it from your teacher?

What are positives and negatives to becoming an teacher?

A positive is definitely Holidays! When the kids get holidays so do the teachers!!! Imagine all the time off over Christmas!! Another positive is just the Satisfaction in teaching children. great working hours too 8.45 - 3.30!! A negative would be wages. It is not a very highly paid job. Naughty or trouble kids can be a negative too. A negative can be when you have to mark, waste your time talking to "annoying kids"

Is a negative number divided by a positive number is Positive or a negative?

The answer is negative, no matter if you had an equation like........-4/2=xx =-2Basically, if you can't think of what the answer would be, try it with the opposite sign. For example, -4/2=x could be turned into (x)(2) = -4. In this case, the negative is missing, so you would need to put it in. So if a negative number multiplied by a positive number is negative, the opposite must be true: A negative number divided by a positive number gives a negative is a song that will help with any complication with adding and subtracting negative numbers that my pre-algebra teacher taught me......(thanks Ms.Zachary!)Same sign add and keep,different sign subtract.Take the sign of the larger one,and then you'll be exact.

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negative times negative equals positive negative times positive subtract the bigger number by the smaller number and keep the sign of the bigger number positive times positive equals positive im pretty sure thats right but i would make sure with your math teacher abt the second one i said

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well i took out my calculator and tried it. i got a even more negative number. but two negatives equal a positive. the calculator is pretty reliable. if you are doing this for home work i would email the teacher and ask their opinion. btw, you arnt "stupid" and never feel like you cant ask a question. if you dont ask how will you ever know? you wont. HOPE THIS HELPS YOU!

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