

What is the answer to this calculus question 2?

Updated: 10/18/2022
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Q: What is the answer to this calculus question 2?
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Just about all of calculus is based on differential and integral calculus, including Calculus 1! However, Calculus 1 is more likely to cover differential calculus, with integral calculus soon after. So there really isn't a right answer for this question.

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The link has the answer to your question.

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In calculus, a limit is a value that a function or sequence approaches as the input values get closer and closer to a particular point or as the sequence progresses to infinity. It is used to define continuity, derivatives, and integrals, among other concepts in calculus. Calculus would not be possible without the concept of limits.

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allow me to answer your question with another question: why is this in the calculus section?

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This is a calculus question. You would need to use an integral.

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