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That's the mean (average) of all the addends.

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Q: What is the answer when you find the sum of a column of numbers divided by the number of addends?
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Related questions

What do you get when you take the sum of a set of numbers divided by the number of addends?

The sum of a set of numbers divided by the number of addends is the mean average of that set.

The sum of all the numbers divided by the number of addends is the?

mean, or average

How do you find a mean of a set of numbers?

to find the mean of a set of numbers you have to find the total sum of the data divided by the number of addends in the data.

Which number are addends?

Addends are the numbers that are added together to get a sum.

An is the number found by dividing the sum of numbers by the number of addends?

That is an average or the mean.

The number found by dividing the sum of the set of numbers by the number of addends?

This is called the average, or the arithmetic mean, of the numbers.

What is the sum of an odd number of odd numbers?

It is a negative number. The answer is the same whether there is an odd or even number of addends.

What is the mathematical term for a number being added to another number?

Addition, and addends are the numbers being added.


A number involved in an addition problem; numbers being added are called addends.

What do you call the number that is added to another number in an addition problem?

Numbers that are added are called addends or terms.

What is the definition of the math term mean?

The mean is the average my friend. The mean is the average. To get the average of a set of numbers, add them up and then divide by the number of addends. EX: 2+2+3+5+8=20 20 divided by 5= 4 (5 is the # of addends [2,2,3,5,8]) 4 is the average, or mean

What is a number added to another number?

The two numbers that are being added are each called addends, and the result is called a sum.