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Unfortunately, whatever symbol that you put between the '2x' and the '1' didn't make it.

Let me surmise that it was either a '+' or a '-'.


x2 + x


x2 - x

If neither of these is what you wanted then let me suggest that you try submitting a question in which you substitute the name of the operator for it symbol; for example, use 'x plus y' instead of 'x+y'.

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Q: What is the anti-derivative of 2x 1?
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What is the antiderivative of 2x?

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I assume you mean -10x^4? In that case, antiderivative would be to add one to the exponent, then divide by the exponent. So -10x^5, then divide by 5. So the antiderivative is -2x^5.

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For example, the derivate of x2 is 2x; then, an antiderivative of 2x is x2. That is to say, you need to find a function whose derivative is the given function. The antiderivative is also known as the indifinite integral. If you can find an antiderivative for a function, it is fairly easy to find the area under the curve of the original function - i.e., the definite integral.

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Antiderivative of x/-1 = -1(x^2)/2 + C = (-1/2)(x^2) + C Wolfram says antiderivative of x^-1 is log(x) + C

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By antiderivative do you mean integral? If yes, integral x^1 dx= (x^2)/2

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What is the antiderivative of logx?

X(logX-1) + C

What is the anti derivative of x divided by x squared minus 1?

The antiderivative of x/(x2-1) is ln(x2-1)/2. Proof: (ln(x2-1)/2)' = (1/(x2-1))*(x2-1)'/2=1/(x2-1)*(2x/2)=x/(x2-1).

What is the antiderivative of x to the negative 6 5ths?

(that weird integral or antiderivative sign) x^(-6/5) dx =-5*x^(-1/5)