The United States' area is 3,796,700 square miles. Africa's area is 11,670,000 square miles.
United States total area: 3,537,441 square miles.
The US' total area is about 3.806 million square miles.
USA - 3,717,811.29 square miles.
664,709 square miles.
The area of the US is 3,794,083 square miles.USA - 3,717,811.29 square miles.
The area of the United States of America is 3.794 million square miles.
It is 59,425 square miles and the 24th largest US State.
It contains 12,407 square miles and ranks 42nd in area among the US States.
South Carolina is the state in the US that has an area of 29,157 square miles.
The country of Georgia's area is 26,900 square miles (69,700 square kilometers). The US state of Georgia's area is 59,400 square miles (154,000 square kilometers).
Maryland has a total area of about 12,407 square miles.