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Area = 17*8 = 136 square units

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Q: What is the area of a rectangle with 17 length and 8 width?
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What is the width of a rectangle if the area is 34 square yards and the length is 17 yards?

The width is 34/17 = 2 yards

What is length and width of rectangle if the perimeter is 48 and the area is 119?

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What is the area of a rectangle of 11 inches tall and 17 inches wide?

187 sq. inches (area for a rectangle= length x width

The length of a rectangle is 5 feet longer than its width The area of the rectangle is 374 square feet What are the dimensions of the rectangle?

17 and 22

The width of a rectangle is 3 inches less than its length the area of the rectangle is 340 square inches what are the length and width of the rectangle?

Let the width be (x-3) and the length be x: width*length = area (x-3)*x = 340 square inches x2-3x-340 = 0 Solving the above quadratic equation works out as: x = -17 or x = 20 it must be the latter because dimensions can't be negative. Therefore: length = 20 inches and width = 17 inches Check: 20*17 = 340 square inches

The length of a rectangle is 8 cm more than the width find the dimensions of the rectangle if the area is 153 cm square?

Letting x be the length of the rectangle and (x - 8) be the width of the rectangle,x(x - 8) = 153,subtracting 153 from each side, x2 - 8x - 153 = 0,solving for x, (x - 17)(x + 9) = 0, then x = 17 or x = -9,substituting 17 for x, the dimensions of the rectangle are 17cm and 9cm.

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What dimension equals area of rectangle equals 221 width equals 17?

If the area is 221 square units and the width is 17 units then the length will be 13 units because 17*13 = 221 square units.

What is the area of a rectangle with a length of 9 meters and a width of 17 meters?

9 meters x 17 meters = 153 square meters.

What is the width of a rectangle with length 17 yards and area 59.5 square yards?

It is: 3.5 yards Check: 3.5*17 = 59.5 square yards

If the length of a rectangle is 7 centimeters greater than the width. The perimeter is 54 centimeters. Find the length and the width.?

width:10,length;17 17*2+10*2=54

What is the width of a rectangular floor that has an area of 255 sq ft and a length of 17 ft?

Area = Length*Width so Width = Area/Length = 255/17 ft = 15 feet.