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*This refers to a trapezoid (US) or trapezium(UK)*

A = h x [(b1+b2) /2 ]

The area is 44.8 square centimeters (average width x height)

Finding the average width : (7.4 + 8.6) / 2 = 8

Multiply width by height : 8 x 5.6 = 44.8

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Q: What is the area of a trapezium when the top is 7.4 cm the bottom is 8.6 cm and the height is 5.6 cm?
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Formula for trapezium?

the sides ofn trapezium are 11.3cm 14.5cm, 11.1cm, and 6.5cm. The perpendicular height is 10.4cm calculate the are giving your answer to an appropriate degree accuracy try this instead 1/2*(Area of top + Area of bottom)*Height

Formula for volume of a trapezium?

the formula for the AREA of a trapeziem is 1/2(a+b)h a=top side b=bottom side h=height its a good formula but heres a easier one 1/2*(Area of top + Area of bottom)*Height

Formula for volume of 3D trapezium?

volume of trapezium = 1/2* (a1+a2)*h* length where a1,a2 are the base areas respectively and h is the height its a good formula but here is a easier one 1/2*(Area of top + Area of bottom)*Height*lenght

How can you calculate the area of an object?

usually in a quadrilateral (four-sided shape) you multiply the height by width In a triangle, the height by width then divide by 2. This is because a triangle is mathematically always half the area of the rectangle. In a trapezium or trapezoid in some countries, its the top length added to the bottom length which is then divided by two multiplied by the length top to bottom. But always remember the height you multiply it with is the straight top to bottom length not the side length.

What is the correct formula to calculate area of a trapezium?

A = 1/2 (b1 + b2) h b1 = base 1 (usually the bottom) b2 = base 2 (usually the top) h = height

Describe a trapezium?

A trapezium is a rectangle with its top line shorter then the bottom one.

How do you calculate area of column?

Surface Area = (Circumference)(Height)* Volume = ∏r2 x Height *If you want to include the top and the bottom in the surface area of the column you have to add the area of the top and bottom. So, the Total Surface Area = [(Circumference)(Height)] + 4(∏)(Radius2)

Can you have a detailed description of a trapezium?

A trapezium is a quadrilateral with two parellel sides which are not of equal length. If it is represented with its longest of the two parallel sides at the bottom, its two top angles are obtuse, or one is a right angle, and its two bottom angles are acute, though the one below a right angle would also be a right angle. The area of the trapezium is determined by multiplying the distance between the two parallel sides (called the height) by the average length of the two parallel sides.

What is the equation for volume of 3D trapezium?

The volume is the Area multiplied by thickness (if the thickness is constant). Area = 1/2 ((a+b)*h) a = the base length b = the top length h = the height (constant) t = the thickness (constant) Volume = Area*t Please note that a trapezium and a trapezoid are defined differently in England and the USA. In England the trapezium has the base and top parallel and the area calculation above is for that definition but the area calculation for a trapezoid is different. The volume will still be Area*t.

Formula for area of a trapazoid?

A trapezoid has one height: vertical measurement from top to bottom, and two bases: horizontal measurement on top and horizontal measurement on bottom. To find the area, you add the two bases together, multiply that by the height, and then divide by 2.

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