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The answer depends on what sort of triangle: right angled, equilateral, isosceles or scalene.

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Q: What is the area of a triangular prism if the height is W inches the length W inches and the base W inches?
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What is the surface area of a triangular prism is the height is 4 inches width 6 inches and length of 12 inches?

There is not enough information to give an answer.

Volume of a triangular prism?


The formula for finding the volume of a triangular prism?

A triangular prism can be thought of as a stack of triangles. Then the volume is equal to the area of the triangular base multiplied by the height of the prism, or 1/2 length * width * height.

What is the formula for finding the total surface area of a triangular prism?

Assume that a = apothem length of the triangular prism, b = base length of the triangular prism, and h = height of the triangular prism. The formulas to find the surface area is SA = ab + 3bh.

A triangular prism has a triangular face with a base of 13 yards and a height of 13.3 yards. Its volume is 1037.4 cubic yards. What is the length of the triangular prism?

Length of triangular prism: 1037.4/(0.5*13*13.3) = 12 yards

What is the formula for volume of a prism whose length is 12 inches width is 5 inches and height id 10 inches?

It depends on the shape of the prism - whether its ends are triangular, rectangular or are polygons with more sides.

How do you find the volume of a rectangular prism relates to the volume of a tringular prism if the two have the same lengthwidthand height?

The volume of a rectangular prism is found by; Volume = Length x Width x Height The volume of a triangular prism is found by; Volume = 1/2 x Length x Width x Height Therefore, Length, Width and Height being identical, 1) the volume of a rectangular prism is twice that of a similar triangular prism OR 2) the colume of a triangular prism is half that of a similar rectangular prism.

What is the volume of a triangular prism?

One half base times height (of the triangular section) times length.

How do you find volume of a triangular prism?


Volume of a right triangular prism?

V= 1/2(length*width*height)

What is the volume of a triangular prism with a height of 22 inches and a base with a area of 12 square inches?

264 cubic inches.

How do U find the volume of a triangular prism?

One half base times height of the triangle times length of the prism.