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Q: What is the atmospheric gas that exists in variable amounts?
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What is the atmospheric gas that exists in variable?


What is an atmospheric gas that varies significantly in concentration from one location to?

Atmospheric gas varying with concentration is ozone. It has different concentrations throughout.

Is the most common atmospheric gas?

The most common atmospheric gas is nitrogen, which makes up about 78% of the Earth's atmosphere.

What gas is in regular air?

The gas in regular air is primarily nitrogen, which makes up about 78% of the atmospheric composition. Oxygen is the second most abundant gas in air, with a concentration of around 21%. Trace amounts of other gases such as argon, carbon dioxide, and helium are also present.

When was the oxygen the major atmospheric gas?

It never was - Nitrogen is the "major gas".

Why is the atmospheric lifetime of a greenhouse gas important?

The atmospheric lifetime is important because it helps to determine the long-term impact of the greenhouse gas. If there are efficient environmental removal mechanisms for a greenhouse gas (that is, if it has a short atmospheric lifetime) the gas will accumulate in the atmosphere more slowly than predicted by the rate at which it is emitted. If a greenhouse has a longer atmospheric lifetime, then even though not a lot of it is emitted from various sources, the atmospheric concentration of the gas will continually increase, allowing the gas to contribute to global warming for a long time.

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What are the gas in the clouds?

In atmospheric clouds: water.

What is a variable gas in the atmosphere?

The variable gases are are those atmospheric gases whose concentrations vary through time. The variable gases are sometimes called the "minor gases" because they make up such a small percentage of the atmosphere by volume.. Carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor are examples of variable gases.

What substance exists in our environment as a liquid gas and solid?

Water exists in our environment as a liquid gas and solid.