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The answer depends on the forces acting on the cart. Since you have chosen not to provide that information, it is not possible to give a more useful answer.

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Q: What is the average acceleration of the an cart after 3 seconds?
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3 ms-2

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Acceleration = (change in speed) / (change in time) = (30 m/s) / (10 sec) = 3 meters per second2

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The average velocity has two parts to it: The average speed and the average direction. The average speed is: (the distance you travel between 0 and 3 seconds) divided by (3). The average direction is: the direction from (the place where you started at 0 seconds) to (the place where you finished at 3 seconds).

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The acceleration cannot be determined with this information. The beginning and ending velocity needs to be known. You can determine her average velocity, however. average velocity = displacement/time = (9mi - 3mi)/3s = 6m/3s = 2m/s

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Acceleration is measured in distance per unit timer per unit time, or in SI units this is usually m/s/s or m/s^2. If an object's velocity increases by 15 m/s in five seconds this is an average acceleration of: 15 m/s / 5 s = 3 m/s/s

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Acceleration = -20 mi/h^2

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So acceleration is an increase of speed every second. The increase of speed was 9miles/sec and this was over 3 seconds. Therefore there was an acceleration of 3 miles/second every second i.e. 3m/s2

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It is impossible to determine acceleration simply from time and distance.

What is the average of 2 seconds3 seconds3 seconds 3 seconds 2 seconds.?


A car accelerates to pass a truck going from 20 ms to 29 ms in 3 seconds what was the acceleration.?

Acceleration = (change in speed) divided by (time for the change) = (9/3) = 3 m/s2

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The average acceleration during any interval is (change in speed) divided by (time for the change).A = (25 - 10)/5 = 15/5 = 3 meters per second2