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that is not normal

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Q: What is the average grade for a student with rubric scores of 1 3 4 and 2?
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How is a student's grade point average figured?

By calculating the average grade a student earned in school

How should you do scoring grading and reporting so that scores and grades are given fairly to promote learning?

There are many ways to score, grade, or report scores to fairly promote learning. One way is to make a rubric.

What are the normal test scores for third grade on Map testing?

190-195. I got those scores in 2nd grade but they should be average in 3rd grade.

What is the average report card grade of a 6th grade student?

Cs and Bs are pretty average

I am making a C plus plus program for a programming class that takes in 5 grades for 7 students averages them gets a letter grade and displays it all in a table How do you set up a table for variables?

The following example sets up a two-dimensional array, initialises it with some pseudo-random data, and then prints the table and the averages. #include<iostream> #include<time.h> int main() { const int max_students = 7; const int max_student_grades = 5; const int max_grades = 6; const char grade[max_grades]={'A','B','C','D','E','F'}; srand((unsigned) time(NULL)); // Initialise the array with pseudo-random grades: int table[max_students][max_student_grades]; for(int student=0; student<max_students; ++student) { for(int student_grade=0; student_grade<max_student_grades; ++student_grade) { table[student][student_grade] = rand()%max_grades; } } // Print the table and average the results. int overall=0; for(int student=0; student<max_students; ++student) { int average=0; std::cout<<"Student #"<<student+1; for(int student_grade=0; student_grade<max_student_grades; ++student_grade) { std::cout<<" Grade #"<<student_grade+1<<": "<<grade[table[student][student_grade]]<<", "; average+=table[student][student_grade]; } std::cout<<" Average: "<<grade[average/max_grades]<<std::endl; overall+=average; } std::cout<<"Overall average: "<<grade[overall/max_grades/max_students]<<std::endl; return(0); } Example output: Student #1 Grade #1: A, Grade #2: E, Grade #3: D, Grade #4: E, Grade #5: F, Average: C Student #2 Grade #1: E, Grade #2: D, Grade #3: E, Grade #4: E, Grade #5: E, Average: D Student #3 Grade #1: D, Grade #2: A, Grade #3: D, Grade #4: B, Grade #5: A, Average: B Student #4 Grade #1: C, Grade #2: B, Grade #3: A, Grade #4: A, Grade #5: B, Average: A Student #5 Grade #1: E, Grade #2: D, Grade #3: C, Grade #4: F, Grade #5: E, Average: D Student #6 Grade #1: C, Grade #2: D, Grade #3: A, Grade #4: F, Grade #5: A, Average: B Student #7 Grade #1: B, Grade #2: D, Grade #3: F, Grade #4: B, Grade #5: C, Average: C Overall average: C

Average weight for Yr 7 student?

The weigh of an average seventh grade student is approximately fifty kilograms.

How should you do scoring especially essay grading and reporting so that the scores and grades are given fairly?

I assume you're a teacher... Try using a rubric. The students will then, if they are wise, know what to expect. And, you have a guideline to grade them on!

What is the purpose of a rubric?

A rubric is a tool used by a teacher to give you a grade in most times it is a type of chart on a piece of loose leaf.

How do you average scores if they are based on scores of 1 2 3 grade?

You have to add all of the three scores up. You will get a larger number than any of the three scores. You then divide your larger number by 3 and this will give you the average of the three scroes.

What is the average reading level for a second grade student?

The average reading level for a second grade student in the United States is 1.4 to about 2.4. This means that most second grade students are reading at high first grade levels or medium second grade levels.

How do you calculate your grades?

You can calculate your grade by finding the average mark of your scores in various units/subjects. The average mark is then placed against the grading system to determine the grade.