

What is the average of 40 and 82?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is the average of 40 and 82?
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82 and 9 over 40 as a decimal = 82.225 82 9/40 = 82 + (9 ÷ 40) = 82 + 0.225 = 82.225 l

How will you set up 40 percent of what number is 82?

It is: (100/40)*82 = 205 and 40% of 205 is 82

What percent of 205 is 82?

82 is 40% of 205.

What number is 40 percent of 82?

40% = 0.482/0.4 = 20582 is 40% of 205Check:205 x 0.4 = 82

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80/82 = 40/41

40 percent of what is 82?

To find 40 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.4. In this instance, 0.4 x 82 = 32.8. Therefore, 40 percent of 82 is equal to 32.8.

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82/2=41 41*2=82

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It is 77.33 recurring.

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Possible answers (40 + 3)*82 = 40*82 + 3*82 or 43*(80 + 2) = 43*80 + 43*2 or, if you really need it, (40 + 3)*(80 + 2) = 40*80 + 40*2 + 3*80 + 3*2

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Th eobject traveled 82 meters in 42 seconds, so average speed is 82/42 = m/s = 1.95 m/s