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Q: What is the average of all whole numbers that are less than 100 and are multiples of 10?
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3. All other multiples of 3 are not prime.

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There are 3 such numbers: 30, 60, 90.

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To have a whole number square root, the number is a perfect square. Thus the numbers will be the squares of multiples of 11. Thus the first number will be (1×11) × (1×11) = 11² = 121 The next candidate will be (2×11) × (2×11) = 22² = 484 The next possible candidate will be (3×11) × (3×11) = 33² = 1089 which is too large. Thus there are two multiples of 11 less than 1000 whose square roots are whole numbers, namely 121 (11²) and 484 (22²)