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Q: What is the back bearing of 085 degrees?
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What is a back bearing in orienteering?

a back bearing is the reverse azimuth you are on. So, if you are moving on a bearing of north by northwest say at 22 degrees your back bearing is 202 degrees or the exact opposite.

What is back bearing of 89 degree?

If you mean the 3 figure bearing of 089 degrees then it is 269 degrees

How do you calculate back bearing of 300 degree?

With great difficulty because to get back where you started from you add 180 degrees clockwise and 300+180 = 480 degrees which is impossible but if you meant 30 degrees then the back bearing will be 30+180 = 210 degrees

What is the bearing of B from A when A from B is 061 degrees?

Just add 180o to 061o which will result in a back bearing of 241o

Can you draw a bearing of 400 Degrees?

Yes. Im not sure why you would want to be that complicated but it is simply 40 degrees since 360 degrees puts you back at 0

You have your magnetic bearing of 300 degrees relative bearing of 125 degrees what is the magnetic heading?


What is 271 degrees true as a compass bearing?

compass bearing 271

What does bearing mean in maths?

the bearing of something is the angle. for example there are 180 degrees on a straight line so the bearing of a straight line is 180 degrees. To work out the bearing of something though you need a protracter

What direction is bearing 45.0 degrees?

45 degrees is NE

What is the compass bearing WNW?

292.5 degrees

What is southwest's bearing?

225 degrees

How do you calculate back bearing given forward bearing?

Alternate angles are equal so it is alternate angle+180 degrees because 3 figure bearings are measured clock-wise from North