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Just add 180o to 061o which will result in a back bearing of 241o

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Q: What is the bearing of B from A when A from B is 061 degrees?
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What is back bearing of 89 degree?

If you mean the 3 figure bearing of 089 degrees then it is 269 degrees

What is a back bearing in orienteering?

a back bearing is the reverse azimuth you are on. So, if you are moving on a bearing of north by northwest say at 22 degrees your back bearing is 202 degrees or the exact opposite.

What is 271 degrees true as a compass bearing?

compass bearing 271

What does bearing mean in maths?

the bearing of something is the angle. for example there are 180 degrees on a straight line so the bearing of a straight line is 180 degrees. To work out the bearing of something though you need a protracter

What direction is bearing 45.0 degrees?

45 degrees is NE

What is the compass bearing WNW?

292.5 degrees

What is southwest's bearing?

225 degrees

The bearing from A to B is 76 what is the bearing from B to A?

If the bearing is less than 180 add 180: If the bearing is more than 180 subtract 180. For example: the back bearing of 76 will be 256 (76+180=256).

What is negative bearing?

a bearing is the angle from north moving clockwise 360 degrees a negative bearing is moving counterclockwise from north

What is the reciprocal bearing of 117 degrees?

YES!!! it is 360 - 117 = 243 For bearing (navigation) . Bearing of due North is bearing zero(0) . Then moving around the compass clockwise due East is bearing 090 , die South is bearing 180 and due West is bearing 270 . However, if starting at bearing zero(0) and moving ANTI-Clockwise , the first bearing is 270 , which is 90 degrees of turn. The 90 degrees in anti =clockwise is the inverse. NB For ALL bearings you quote three digits. So due East , bearing 90 is quoted as '090'. This is normal navigational practice.