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There are 4 kings and 4 jacks in a deck of cards, so 8/52 which simplifies to 2/13 or 15.4%

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Q: What is the chance of picking a king or jack from a of 52 playing cards?
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What is the probability of picking the Jack of Clubs from a pack of cards?

If there is 1 Jack of clubs, and 52 total cards, then the chance of picking the jack on the first selection is 1/52

What is the probability of picking a jack or queen is it 452?

Assuming a 52 card deck with no cards already drawn, the chance that you draw a queen OR a jack is 8/52.

What is the probability of picking a jack from a pack of playing cards?

In a full deck of 52 cards your chances are one in thirteen. The same goes for every other card as well not just jacks.

What is the probability of picking a kinggueen or jack from a pack of playing cards?

For a single card, picked at random from a well shuffled normal pack the probability is 3/13.

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1 in 26

What playing cards start with j?

Playing cards starting with j: joker and jack.

What is the chance of picking a jack from a pack?

The probability that a random card picked from a standard pack is a Jack is 1/13.

What is the probability of choosing a card at from a pack of cards and NOT picking a red jack?

It is 50/52 or 0.9615

What is the probability of picking a jack and a diamond from a deck of cards?

1/52. Only one card, the Jack of diamonds, will satisfy your requirements.

How many jack of diamonds are there in a set of playing cards?

There is only one jack of diamonds in an ordinary set of cards.

With 7 cards in your hand Two of spades Two of hearts Five of hearts King of clubs Two of diamonds Jack of hearts Two of clubs What is the probability someone will pick a two OR a heart?

Picking from the 7 cards, there are 5 cards that are either a two or a heart, or both.The chance is 5 in 7 (71.4 percent).

What is the probability of picking a RED JACK from a deck of cards?

There are 2 red jacks, so 2/52 or about .038%