If the diameter of the circle is 5 cm then its circumference is: 5*pi cm
The circumference of a 7 cm circle is: 21.99 cm(diameter x pi = circumference).
The circumference of circle that is 8 cm is: about 25.13 cm (diameter x pi = circumference).
The circumference = 18.8 cm
43.98 cm
A circumference of 263.89 cm
A circumference of 32.99 cm
Circumference of the circle = pi*17.6 cm
It has a circumference of 12.88 cm
Diameter in cm = circumference/pi
The circumference of a 12 cm circle is: 37.7 cm
If the radius of a circle is 15 cm, the circumference is: 94.2 cm
The diameter of a circle when the circumference is 35 cm is: 11.14 cm (circumference divided by Pi = diameter).