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Minus 273 degrees Celsius is the coldest possible temperature, a.k.a. "absolute zero".

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Q: What is the coldest possible temperature on a celsius scale?
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Is zero degrees Celsius the coldest?

The coldest possible temperature on the Celsius scale is -273.15 degrees.

What scale is the same as the celsius scale?

Kelvin. Both Celsius and Kelvin are measurements of temperature in the metric system, and both have the same size of degree. The only difference between them is that Kelvin has been shifted down the scale so that 0 degrees Kelvin is absolute zero, the coldest possible temperature.

-460 degrees what sacle is Fahrenheit celsiusor kelvin?

The lowest possible temperature on the Celsius scale is -273.15 degrees Celsius. The lowest possible temperature on the Kelvin scale is 0 degrees Kelvin. Therefore the only temperature scale on which -460 degrees is possible is the Fahrenheit scale.

Is 110 degrees Celsius the coldest?

No, absolute zero on the Celsius scale is -273.15º

What is absolute zero of temperature?

The lowest possible temperature. On the Kelvin scale, this temperature is zero degrees; on the Celsius scale, about minus 273 degrees.

What is absulte 0?

"Absolute Zero" refers to zero on the kelvin scale for temperature. Absolute Zero, or 0 kelvin ( = -459.67 degrees Fahrenheit = -273.15 degrees Celsius), is the coldest possible temperature. It is probably impossible to achieve this temperature, but you can get very close.

What is the SI unit of temperature?

The unit is the Kelvin. Zero on the Kelvin scale is the coldest possible temperature, absolute zero. The scale increases by the same degree intervals as the Celsius scale but since Kelvin starts at absolute zero, the values are all higher. For example, it is 273.15 K when it is 0°C (Celsius). Kelvin "K" It is KELVIN!!!!! Either Kelvin, or Celsius. Both are used with the SI K degreeskelvin

Why celsius scale gives negative temperature?

Temperature in Celsius can be negative. 0 degrees is freezing point in Celsius, so it is possible to get -1, -10 degrees, etc. However, not all temperatures in Celsius are negative.

Why does the kelvin thermometer start from -273 Celsius temperature?

The idea is to start at absolute zero - the lowest possible temperature. This happens to be -273.16 on the Centigrade (Celsius) scale. The Kelvin scale has no negative temperatures; zero degrees Kelvin is the lowest possible temperature.

Is Celsius the opposite of temperature?

No, Celsius is a temperature scale.

Describe the three types of temperature scales?

Celsius: Based on the properties of water where 0 is freezing and 100 is boiling. C= (F-32) *(5/9) Fahrenheit: Based on the properties of water where 32 is freezing and 212 is boiling. This worked out because 0 was set as the coldest it got, and 100 the hottest it got, at the place in Europe where Fahrenheit lived when he developed the scale. F=(C*9/5)+32 Kelvin: Based on the properties of matter where 0 is the absolute coldest temperature possible, using degrees of the same size as the Celsius scale. Kelvin = Celsius - 373.15 Rankine: Based on the properties of matter where 0 is the absolute coldest temperature possible, using degrees of the same size as the Fahrenheit scale. Rankine = Fahrenheit - 459.67

What did Celsius do?

Celsius invented the celsius scale for temperature.