The coldest possible temperature on the Celsius scale is -273.15 degrees.
No zero celsius is the freezing point of water as 100 degrees is its boiling point
Minus 273 degrees Celsius is the coldest possible temperature, a.k.a. "absolute zero".
Because the slower molecules get, the colder it is. When molecules come completely to a stop (at zero movement), the temperature is -273.15 degrees Celsius.
-273 celsius is very close to absolute zero, the coldest temperature physically possible in the universe.-273 celsius is equal to -459.4 degrees Fahrenheit.
"Absolute Zero" refers to zero on the kelvin scale for temperature. Absolute Zero, or 0 kelvin ( = -459.67 degrees Fahrenheit = -273.15 degrees Celsius), is the coldest possible temperature. It is probably impossible to achieve this temperature, but you can get very close.
No, absolute zero on the Celsius scale is -273.15º
Zero Celsius is actually just the freezing point of water. Temperatures can go much colder, with absolute zero being the coldest possible temperature at -273.15 degrees Celsius.
No, zero degrees Celsius is not the coldest possible temperature. Absolute zero, which is equivalent to -273.15 degrees Celsius, is the lowest possible temperature where all molecular activity ceases.
No zero celsius is the freezing point of water as 100 degrees is its boiling point
Minus 273 degrees Celsius is the coldest possible temperature, a.k.a. "absolute zero".
No, the temperature of absolute zero is -273.15 degrees Celsius. This is the coldest temperature possible where particles cease to move.
-273 degrees Celsius is the equivalent of absolute zero, the lowest possible temperature where molecular motion stops. It is the coldest temperature that can be reached, and nothing can be colder than this.
Because the slower molecules get, the colder it is. When molecules come completely to a stop (at zero movement), the temperature is -273.15 degrees Celsius.
-273 celsius is very close to absolute zero, the coldest temperature physically possible in the universe.-273 celsius is equal to -459.4 degrees Fahrenheit.
Zero degrees Kelvin is known as absolute zero, the coldest temperature possible where particles have minimal motion. This temperature is equivalent to -273.15 degrees Celsius.
No, zero degrees Celsius is not the same as zero degrees Fahrenheit. Zero degrees Celsius is the freezing point of water, while zero degrees Fahrenheit is equivalent to -17.8 degrees Celsius.
At zero degrees Kelvin, also known as absolute zero, all molecular motion stops. It is considered the coldest temperature in the universe, and no physical object can reach this temperature in reality.