It has none - you can only have a common factor between two or more numbers.
Common Factors: 14,7,2,1 Greatest Common Factor: 14
The greatest common factor of 14 and 56 is 14.
The greatest common factor (GCF) is: 14
The greatest common factor of 14, 28, and 70 is 14.
the greatest common factor of 14 and 70 is 14
7 is the greatest common factor of 14 and 21.
The Greatest common factor is 14.
the highest common factor of 14 and 70 is: 14. hope this helped :)
The highest common factor (HCF) is 14.
The greatest common factor of 12 , 14 = 2
The greatest common factor of 14 and 27 is 1.
The greatest common factor of 14 , 50 = 2