The least common multiple of the numbers 8, 12, 32 and 60 is 480.
12 and 20
The common factors of 32 and 60 are 1, 2 and 4.
32, 45, and 60 share no common factors aside from 1.
12 and 20
4 is the greatest common factor. The common factors are 1,2, and 4.
The least common multiple of the numbers 8 and 32 is 32.
You need at least two numbers to find a GCF. If that's 32, 48 and 60, the GCF is 4.
Add the three numbers to each other:18+32 = 5050+60 = 110
28 and 32
The least common multiple of two numbers is the product of the two numbers divided by their greatest common factor. The greatest common factor of 15 and 32 is 1, so the least common multiple is 15 x 32 ÷ 1 = 480.
The HCF of both numbers is 4