.0115 Ma
0115 948 5000
Nottingham has area code 0115 followed by seven-digit local numbers.For example: (0115) 496 0018 (fictitious number)
Samar Abbasi who lives in Wollaton made bruchettas. You can call her on 0115 978735364537 or 0796354826452
Tel: 0115-950 6111 hope this helps
includes establishments primarily engaged in the production of field corn for grain or seed.
Boots UK's head office number is 0115 950 6111.
The address of the Administrative Office is: 122 N Highway 75, Duncan, 85553 0115
The address of the Blaisdell Memorial Library is: 129 Stage Road, Nottingham, 03290 0115
The address of the Hillsboro Historical Rooms is: , Hillsboro, NH 03244-0115
The address of the Calhoun Public Library is: 746 Hwy 163, Calhoun, 37309 0115