76% = 76/100 = 19/25 = 0.76
Take the numerator and divide it by the denominator. You will then get a decimal. Take the decimal and multiply it by 100 and that is your percent. Example: 38/50 = 0.76 0.76 x 100 = 76 = 76%
17 and 76/100 as a decimal is 17.76
19/25 = 76/100 = 0.76
76 / 95 = 0.8Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.8 * 100 = 80%
19 over 25 (.76=76 over 100 divide by 4 76 divided by 4=19 100/4=25) youre welcome
As a decimal fraction, it is 0.76. You can convert that to a rational fraction if you so wish.
.76 multiplied by ten to the power of two is 76. This is because ten to the power of 2 is 100. If you move the decimal two places to the right, you will get 76. You could also use the operation .76 X 100= 76
To convert a decimal to a percentage multiply by 100: 0.76 = 0.76 x 100 % = 76%
19/25 = 76/100 or 0.76
19/25 = 76/100 = 0.76
82% is .82, from .82 convert to fraction like so 82/100 = 41/50 With percents you move the decimal to the left 2 places so: 76% --- 76. --- .76 Move the decimal over 2 places. Then just convert it to a fraction 76/100 = 38/50 =19/25