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60% = 0.60

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Q: What is the decimals of 60 percent?
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What is 60 percent in decimals?


How can 60 percent be out of 39?

60/100 x 39 = 23.4 it involves decimals (or fractions)

How can you change a percent into decimals?

If ther percent is under 100, just put a decimal in front of the number. 60%=.60. If the percent is over a hundred, put the decimal before the second last number. 1200% = 12.00.

What is 6. as a percent?

Multiply decimals by 100 to get the equivalent percentage: 0.6 x 100 = 60 %

0.8 percent is what in decimals?

0.8 percent = 0.008

What numbers is 30 percent of 600 a18 b180 c200 d2031?

30% means 30/100 which is ( and you can move two decimals in your head!) 0.30 then multiply this times 60 ( just take 30 times 60 and move decimals back to original position ) 0.30 X 60 = 18 so a is correct

What does 60 percent equals as a percent?

60 percent as a percent is 60%

What is 44 over 60 in decimals?

44/60 = 0.733...

How do you write ten percent in decimals?

10 percent = 0.1

How do you write 32 percent in decimals?

32 percent is 0.32

What is it called when you change a decimal to percent and percent to to a decimals?


What is 31.1 percent in decimals?
