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Q: What is it called when you change a decimal to percent and percent to to a decimals?
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How do you change percentages to decimals and decimals to percentages?

Decimal to percent- move the decimal 2 (two) places to the right and add the percent sign. percent to decimal- move the decimal 2 (two) places to the left and take away the percent sign.

What is 0.41 as a percent?

41% = 0.41 To change decimals to percents, move the decimal two places to the right and add the percent sign. (To change percents to decimals, move the decimal two places to the left.)

How is a percent related to a decimals?

In math, you can convert the decimal INTO a percent, and vice-versa.

How do you change this decimal 18 percent to a decimal?

Well, 18% is basically 18/100 Decimals like .00 is in the hundredths place

Change a fraction among decimals and percents?

If you have a fraction, divide the top by the bottom to get the decimal. If you have a decimal, move the decimal point 2 places that way --> to get the percent. If you have percent, move the decimal point 2 places this way <-- to get the decimal.

How to change percents to decimals?

You can change a percent to a decimal by moving the decimal it has two places to the left. Ex. 134.72% = 1.3472 Ex. 57% = 0.57 Ex. 239% = 2.39

How you can explain how to change percents into decimals and fractions?

Percents are hundredths. To change a percent to a fraction, put it over 100. To change a percent to a decimal, divide it by 100, which means move the decimal point two places to the left. 3i% = 31/100 = 0.31

How are a decimal and a percent the same?

both signify a part of a whole. percentages are based on 100 being 1 so 100% is 1 whole thing. 1 whole thing with decimals is 1.00. You can change from decimals to percentages by moving the decimal 2 places to the right and percentages to decimals by moving the decimal 2 places to the left.

How do you change a decimal in to percentage?

how to change 4 over 5 in to decimals

How do you change three percent to a decimal?

You change three percent to a decimal.

How do you change 6.25 from percent to decimals?

If you mean 6.25 percent, then you just divide by 100 (move the decimal point 2 places to the left). If you mean 6.25, then multiply by 100 (move the decimal point 2 places to the right)

How do you change .3 to a percent?

You could use a percent sign - 3%. Or you could use decimals - 0.3 for three percent, or 0.03 for three tenths percent. This is assuming you are working off of a hundred. # percent of a hundred is 3, three percent of 200 is 6. Percent is a ratio.