Comparing and ordering whole numbers and decimals involves examining the numerical values of each number to determine their relative magnitude. When comparing whole numbers or decimals, you are essentially looking at which number is greater, lesser, or if they are equal. Ordering involves arranging the numbers in a sequence from least to greatest or greatest to least based on their numerical values. This process is essential for understanding numerical relationships and making informed decisions in various mathematical contexts.
You do not, but it is easier.
They are similar because when you compare decimals you say the larger one has more value so the decimal is larger like in comparing whole numbers the number that has more value is larger. So they are very similar.
Rational numbers are roots, decimals, fractions, and whole numbers. Bascially anything that can become a decimal. Irrational numbers are like pi. I'm pretty sure to be irrational, they have to repeat. Anyway, ordering them and comparing them means looking at them and seeing which is smallest and largest. Then you order them (smallest to largest or whatever it says).
The comparing and ordering of numbers is referred to as factorization. Numbers are factored into certain multiples such that the resolution of the entity into the factors when multiplied together will give the original entity.
Annexing zeros is included in ordering decimals to even the numbers out so you can line the decimals up. I'm pretty sure that is the right answer...
Lining the numbers up makes it easier to spot 0s between the decimal point and the leading non-zero digit.
it separating the whole numbers from the fraction parts.
This answer is irrelevant because you did not explain yourself, the correct answer is,"Its important so you can separate whole numbers for parts of whole numbers."
Non-repeating decimals is not a word but a phrase. Non-repeating decimals are irrational numbers.
Real numbers are compared by distance from zero That means converting numbers to decimals to determine which number is greater and putting these decimals in order from least to greatest or ordering the corresponding real numbers. I posted a link as an example.
by ordering it like a number line. negatives goes first then positive. but the placing of the numbers are also included
It is the multiplication of numbers where one or more of the multiplicands is in decimal form.