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I regret that a "volume of 45.0 cm squeare 3" makes no sense. Please edit the question to include relevant information.

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12y ago

9.0 g/cm cubed

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Q: What is the denisty of having and object with the mass of 5.0g and volume of 45.0cm squeare 3?
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Denisty = Mass/Volume = 20/4 = 5 g/cm3

How do you calculate denisty?

Mass times volume

What is formula for denisty?

Density = mass/volume

How do you solve for denisty?

Get the mass and then the volume Put them into a fraction Mass/Volume

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The evidence that will show an object as having a bigger volume is the mathematical solutions to their volume.

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3.12 grams since you divde denisty by volume

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Not enough information. To get the density, you need to divide the mass by the volume, but there is no way of knowing the volume of an object just by having one of its lengths.

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when you are comparing 3 objects of the same volume but different masses, which ever one is the heaviest, is the most dense and the lightest is the least dense. This is because Denisty= Mass ÷ Volume and when the volumes are the same, you just need to compare the masses.

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This object has a density of about 18.84 g/mL

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Just divide the mass by the volume.