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One meaning of oblique - there are other definitions, in grammar, physiology and geometrical - is indirect or misleading. Thus you might say a politician gave oblique answers to questions in an interview. Obtuse also has meanings in geometry, though a common meaning refers to a person who lacks sharpness of intellect, is not clear in expression or thought. There is also the sense in which a person might be deliberately obtuse in order to annoy or mislead.

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Q: What is the difference between Oblique and obtuse?
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What is the difference between oblique and a oblique triangle?

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The difference is that the Isometric projection shows more and accurate drawing than the Oblique project which is just a pictorial method.

What are the shapes of triangles?

There are many types of triangles. There is the isosceles, the acute, the obtuse. the right, the oblique, the equilateral and the scalene triangle. See the related link for more information.that is wrong it is only isosceles,equilateral,and scalene.the obtuse,right and acute are angles.but i do not know about the oblique.

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