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An oblique triangle is any triangle that is not a right triangle.

An oblique triangle could be either obtuse (having one side greater than 90 degrees) or acute.

An acute triangle is one with all three angles less than 90 degrees. It cannot be obtuse, or right.

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Q: Difference between oblique and acute triangles?
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What are the shapes of triangles?

There are many types of triangles. There is the isosceles, the acute, the obtuse. the right, the oblique, the equilateral and the scalene triangle. See the related link for more information.that is wrong it is only isosceles,equilateral,and scalene.the obtuse,right and acute are angles.but i do not know about the oblique.

What is the relationship between isosceles and acute triangles?

They are both triangles. And both have acute angles

What is the difference between an acute triangle and a scalene triangle?

scalene triangles can be the same as acute triangles beacause scalene triangles are triangles with 3 different angles and sides. An acote triangle needs to have 3 angles less than 90 degrees.

What is the difference between acute triangle and right triangle?

A right triangle has a right (90 degree) angle, acute triangles have all angles less than 90 degrees.

Are all equilateral triangles acute triangles?

Yes all equilateral triangles are acute triangles, but not all acute triangle are equilateral triangles.

Are equilateral triangle are acute?

Yes all equilateral triangles are acute triangles, but not all acute triangle are equilateral triangles.

Do all acute triangles have only one acute angle?

No. All triangles MUST have at least two acute angles.

What statement sometimes true about the relationship between acute triangles and isosceles triangle?

The two acute angles are always equal.

Which shapes have acute angles?

All triangles have at least two acute angles. Acute triangles have three. Rhomboids also have two acute angles.

Is an acute angle oblique?

u r a dumbo

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