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a polygon is a connected line pretty much a shape is like a triangle

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Q: What is the difference between a shape and a polygon?
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What the difference between a polygon and a non polygon?

A polygon is 2 dimensional shape whereas a non polygon can be 3 dimensional shape

What is the difference between a polygon and a solid shape?

The main difference between a polygon and a solid shape is that polygons are two dimensional. In contrast, solid shapes are three dimensional objects.

What is the difference between a polygon and a pentagon?

A polygon is a shape with more than two sides. A pentagon has five sides. So a pentagon is a type of polygon.

What is the difference between a circle and a rhombus?

a circle is a curved shape with no angels and a rhombus is a polygon with four angles

What is the difference between a reglar polygon and a equil triangle?

A regular polygon is a figure with a definite shape and closed on all sides. An equilateral triangle is a three sided regular polygon whose sides have equal lengths.

What is the difference between a convex shape and a concave shape?

i dont think any1 knows * * * * * A concave polygon has at least one reflex angle. Equivalently, in a convex polygon, a line joining ANY two points in (or on) the polygon lie wholly within (or on) the polygon. In a concave polygon there are at least two points for which the line joining them does not lie wholly inside (or on) the polygon.

What is difference between polygon and three dimension?

Almost everything is different!A polygon is a closed shape in 2 dimensional space, bounded by straight lines. Three dimension is a description of normal space.

What are the interior angles of a polygon?

They are angles between adjacent sides of the polygon, measured on the inside of the shape.

What is the difference between a polygon and a curve?

well a polygon has angles and a curve has none.

What is the difference between a nonagon and a polygon?

A nonagon is a polygon with n vertices (or 9 sides).

The difference between a histogram and a frequency polygon is?

the basic difference between histogram and frequency polygon is that histogram uses bars to show its frequency and frequeny polygon uses points and join its staight line

What is the difference between perimeter and the area of a polygon?

The length of the boundary of a polygon is its perimeter.The space the polygon takes on your sheet is called the area & hence area is enclosed within the perimeter.In other words,area is the quantity that expresses the extent of a 2D surface/shape on a plane.