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border is anything going around an object or text, shading is applying depth to an object

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Q: What is the difference between border and shading?
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What is the difference between texturing and shading?

Texturing is giving a piece of art feeling, for example if it feels rough or smooth. Shading is how lightly and how heavily you press your pen on the paper.

What is the difference between shading and highlighting?

shading can be used as style while highlighting can not be used as a style. By using highlighting option, u can highlight selected portion of text with the desired color, where as by using shading u can highlight, texture a block of text.

Is it possible to add borders shading to your table?

Yes, click on format and then click on borders and shading, choose the shading you want and the border, note, you will need to select or highlight the area you need to shade first.

Difference between insert frame from form field shading?

The insert frame are geographical and logical subdivitions of a single webpage into two or more selections while the form field shading... well I don't know what it means.

What is the difference between using the underline button and creating a border?

underlining show the importance of the word and border is just for decoration

What makes a shading drawing look three dimensional. What should be avoided?

They way the light falls makes objects look 3 dimensional. Shading helps to show the difference between lighter and darker areas of an object thus makes it look real. Shading should be though through. From where does the light fall? Which side is going to be the darkest and the lightest. Logic is critical for shading otherwise the drawing will look unrealistic.

What is the minimum distance with maximum time difference between two countries?

The time difference is three and a half hours at the border between Afghanistan and China.

What is the difference between boundary and frontier?

Boundary: something that indicates border or limit.Frontier: an international border, the edge of the settled area of the country.

What are the differences between the color Ivory and the color Cream?

There are two main differences between the colors "cream" and "ivory," which are both variations of the color white. The first difference between the two is the amount of yellow undertone, with cream having much more yellow undertone present than ivory. The second is the amount of black shading used in creating the colors. Both colors have a very small amount of shading present, but cream has more shading present than ivory.

What is difference between tutsi congolais and tutsi rwandais?

There is no essential difference, - they live on either side of a border created by Europeans.

What is the difference between a natural border and a political border?

A natural border could be a river, sea or mountain range. Political borders are simply arbitrary lines drawn on a map.