In the name of God;
It must be mentioned that a vector has two important characteristics; 1- direction and 2- quantity. in other word for identification a vector these two characteristics must be defined. for example when we speak about displacement of a body it must has direction and quantity.
but about gradient, it has a general mean: difference.
Also a specified mean may be defined for it: "any increase or decrease in a vector or scalar field". it is a vector field.
The 'upside down' triangle symbol is the (greek?) letter Nabla. Nabla means the gradient. The gradient is the vector field whoose components are the partial derivatives of a function F given by (df/dx, df/dy).
The difference is the length of the vector.
They are the same.
the difference between resultant vector and resolution of vector is that the addition of two or more vectors can be represented by a single vector which is termed as a resultant vector. And the decomposition of a vector into its components is called resolution of vectors.
Temperature gradient is a vector quantity. It represents the rate of change in temperature with respect to position and has both magnitude and direction.
List is not sync'd as a vector is.
vector is usually is the arthropodes carrying the parasites such as mosquitoes.
Equilibrant vector is the opposite of resultant vector, they act in opposite directions to balance each other.
The potential gradient is a vector quantity. It represents the rate of change of the scalar electric potential with respect to position in space.
There is no difference.
It stands for gradient vector flow.