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Q: What is the difference between standard form word form and expanded form?
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What is one tenth in standard and expanded form?

In standard form it is 1*10^-1.In expanded form it is 0.1

What is 779.36 in expanded form and standard form?

Expanded form: 700 + 70 + 9 + 0.3 + 0.06 Standard form: 7.7936*102

How do you put eight and twelve hundredths in standard form and expanded form?

8.12 in standard form. 8+0.1+0.02 in expanded

What is eleven thousandths in standard and expanded form?

In standard form it is 1.1*10^-2.In expanded form it is 0.01 + 0.001

What is the difference between standard form and vertex form?

The difference between standard form and vertex form is the standard form gives the coefficients(a,b,c) of the different powers of x. The vertex form gives the vertex 9hk) of the parabola as part of the equation.

Difference between standard form and expanded form?

A number in standard form is just the same way you are always used to seeing it. Like for example: 256. To write that same number using expanded notation, you have to think of the place values of each of the digits. The number is the sum of those values. 256 = (2 x 100) + (5 x 10) + (6 x 1). That's 256 in expanded notation.

How do you write .4 in standard form and in expanded form?

.4 (0.4) in standard form is: 0.4 In expanded form: 0.4 = (0 x 1) . (4/10)

What in decimal in standard form and expanded form one hundred andd one hundredths?

100.01 is 1.0001 x102 in standard form and 100+0.01 in expanded form

What is the difference between standard and exponetial form?

if u write 100000 this is standard form. and if you write 104 this exponential form

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How do you write eight tenths in standard and expanded form?

Eight tenths in standard form and expanded form = 0.8 or (0 x 1) + (8/10)

How do you write 0.012 in standard and expanded form?

The standard form is: 0.012 The expanded form is: (0 x 1) + (0/10) + (1/100) + (2/1000)