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Q: What is the distance with the highest probability of finding a dot in the probable location of ean electron?
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The probable location of an electron in an electron cloud is where?

The electron cloud is a volume of space around an atomic nucleus. It comprises of a space of probability. It is the volume of space where electrons can "probably" be found, or have a probability of being found.

What is often thought of as a region of space in which there is a high probability of finding an electron?

Electron Cloud

How do the energy and the most probable location of an electron in the third shell of an atom compare to the energy and the most probable location of an electron in the first shell of the same atom?

in the third shell, an electron has more energy and is further from the nucleus

What is an often thought of as a region of space in which there is a high probability of finding an electron?

You think probable to ionosphere.

The highly probable location of an electron withthin the atom is an?

I think it's an orbital...

What does the Quantum Mechanical Model of the atom describe?

the most probable location of an electron

What properties does Quantum Mechanical Model of the atom describe?

the most probable location of an electron

Of atomic structure describe the most probable location of an electron in relation to the nucleus of an atom?

In a shell at a distance form the atomic nucleus. The Electron Cloud

What is the quantum number that describes the most probable distance from the nucleaus that an electron resides?

Distance depends on the principal quantum number n.

What are the adjectives of probability?

One adjective for for probability is probable.

Is probability an adjective?

No, it's an adverb, the adjective is probable.

What determines probable location of electron according to theory of wave mechanics?

they always lie away from the center of gravity