

What is the distributive pattern of division?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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432 - 4 + 3 + 2= 9 / 3 = 3 -divisable of 3

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Q: What is the distributive pattern of division?
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What is the properties of division?

division does not satisfy distributive property eg:- a+(b/c) not=a/b+a/c

What is distributive property of division?

(a+b)/c = a/c + b/c

Is distributive property a multiplication or division word?

multiplication: the opposite (division) property is factoring

What operations can assotiative communative and distributive apply to?

Associative works for addition and multiplication. Commutative works for addition and multiplication Distributive works for addition, multiplication and subtraction as well as some combinations of them, but not for division. Nothing works for division.

Does the distributive property apply to division?

Division is distributive over addition only in terms of addition with the numerator, but not the denominator. That is, (a + b)/x = a/x + b/x but y/(c + d) ≠ y/c + y/d

How do use distributive property with division?

To be picky, the distributive property is about multiplication, but division is defined in terms of multiplication, so your question can be answered!Say you have (6xy+15y)/(3y). The distributive property will say this is equal to 6xy/3y + 15y/3y = 2x + 5.Notice that the "/3y" has been distributed onto each term inside the parentheses.

How do you prove the distributive law?

For any two numbers a and b: a + b = b + a and a * b = b * a Substitute any two numbers you like and perform the indicated operations. There is no distributive law of subtraction or division.

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Division of Monomials and Polynomials by Monomials?

to multiplya polynomial by a monomial,use the distributive property and then combine like terms.

What is the distibutive property mean?

The distributive property is a property that relates to two binary operations and operates over a set.According to the distributive property of multiplication over division, if a, b and c are three elements of a set S, thena*(b + c) = a*b+a*cMultiplication is also distributive over subtraction.