

What is the distrubitive property?

Updated: 10/17/2024
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βˆ™ 11y ago

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The distributive property is the ability of one operation to "distribute" over another operation contained inside a set of parenthesis. Most commonly, this refers to the property of multiplication distributing over addition or subtraction, such that x(a+b) = xa + xb.

When we say that multiplication distributes over addition, it means we can distribute the factor outside the set of parenthesis to each item inside, and then add the results. For example, 4(3+7) is equivalent to 4*3 + 4*7 because the multiplication by four was distributed across the addition inside the parenthesis.

Not every operation is distributive. For example, division is not distributive over addition. If we are given 20/(3+7) the true result is 2, but distributing would give you 20/3 + 20/7, which is around 10 and very incorrect!

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