

What is the division express for 6 over 1?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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6/1 = 6.

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Q: What is the division express for 6 over 1?
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First, 5 + 1 = 6. Then you have 6/3 which reduces to 2 (that is simply a matter of doing the division).

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To express an integer as a fraction, you simply put the integer over one. Because one is the multiplicative identity, this won't change the value. 6 = 6 / 1

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With a calculator, multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction operations are done in that priority/sequence. So, in your expression, 'over' is handled first, then 'minus'. The question becomes 'what is (4/6) minus (1/2)?' 4/6 - 1/2 = 4/6 - 3/6 = 1/6

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Both numbers will divide exactly by 6 - therefore, 6/6=1, and 18/6=3. This simplifies 6/18 to 1/3

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