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Q: What is the division of bacteria called?
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What is the cell division called when bacteria creates new cells?


Why is cell division important to single-celled bacteria?

Cell division is the way bacteria multiply.

Example of monerans?

Monera is a kingdom of organisms without membrane with two division called Archaea and Bacteria. The best example of monerans are spirilla and coccie bacteria.

What is Bacilli?

Bacilli refers to any rod shaped bacteria. It is stage of taxonomy is called the class, which comes after the Super Kingdom: Bacteria and is also a division of the next stage the Phylum: Firmicutes.Bacilli is a biology term for rod-shaped bacteria.

Is bacteria a asexual organism?

Yes. Bacteria cells reproduce by a process called binary fission. The daughter cell is genetically identical to the parent cell (unless spontaneous mutations occur during division).

What organelle contributes to the division of cells?

Well, the organelle that contributes to cell division is definetly, bacteria.

How does cell division of bacteria influence grouping of cells?

Because the grouping of cells are very important in determining cell division. It plays an important role in bacteria formation.

What word is used for the answer to a division problem?

The answer to a division problem is called a quotient or divide. The answer to a division problem is called a quotient or divide.

What prokaryote has a cell wall and reproduces by cell division?

Bacteria are prokaryotic organisms that reproduce by cell division.

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what is a division of a racecourse called

What kind of division do bacteria use to reproduce?

Binary Fussion.

What is the box called that is used in long division?

the division box is called a division bracket