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Q: What is the equation that relates these factors what is it called?
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What is called an equation that relates two or more quantities?

It is often called a formula.

What is h called in the equation E he?

In the equation E=he, h represents Planck's constant, which is a fundamental physical constant that relates the energy of a photon to its frequency.

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What is an equation that relates quantities represented by variables?

Simply that, an "equation".Simply that, an "equation".Simply that, an "equation".Simply that, an "equation".

The coefficients from a balanced equation are used to write conversion factors called?

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An equation that relates the reaction to the concentrations of the reactants

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A principle is a fundamental truth or law that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior. On the other hand, a theory is an explanation or interpretation of phenomena based on observation, experimentation, and reasoning. In essence, a principle is more foundational and general, while a theory is more specific and explanatory.

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An equation that relates the reaction rate to the concentration of the reactants

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