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To work out these types of questions follow the method below.

If the denominator (bottom number) can fit into 10, 100, 1000, 10 000 so on...

then you can multiply the bottom number into the base 10's.

In this case 50 can fit into 100 twice, so we have to multiply everything by 2.

39 x 2 = 78, and 50 x 2 = 100

Your fraction is now 78/100, but it is still not a decimal yet. To work out the decimal, we count how many 0's are in the bottom number, in this case there are 2 0's in 100. So we move the decimal place over 2 spots because there are 2 zeroes. (Note: 78 is the exact same as 78.0 or 78.00000000000, if there is nothing but zeroes after the decimal point, leave all the 0's out)

Your answer is now 0.78, which is the equivalent decimal for 39/50.

For further clarification, message me on my message board. Thanks!

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