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Q: What is the excel formula for calculating surface area to include flat roof for a building that is length 60 width 160 height 30?
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What is the mathematical formula for calculating a surface area for a building?"

Formula for calculating surface area of a cone?

The answer will depend on what information you have.

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What is the formula for calculating surface area of a cube?

6(pi)l2, where l = length of side

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It depends on how many sides are part of the "opening".

What is the formula for calculating a cylinder's surface area?

A = 2 x pi x r (r + h)

What is the formula for calculating the surface area of a rectangular prism?

2(l*w)+2(w*h)+2(l*h)=surface area

Calculating Surface Area?

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What is the mathmatical formula for calculating surface area?

2LW +2LH + 2WH L=length H= height W= width

What is the Surface area of an oval table?

the formula for calculating the surface area of an oval is A = Pi * a * b where a & b are the semimajor(half the long) and semiminor(half the short) axes

What is the formula for calculating development surface are of truncated cone?

The formula for calculating development surface area of a truncated cone is Avr = π [s (R + r) + R^2 + r^2]. The solution is area (A) subscript r where r is the radius of the top of the truncated cone. In this formula R stands for the radius of the bottom of the cone and s represents the slant height of the cone.