No, 3 is not a factor of 40.
No, 40 is a factor of 80.
The greatest common factor of the numbers 40 and 40 is 9.
Since 40 is a factor of 280, it is automatically the GCF.
The greatest factor of 40 is itself
8 is a factor of 40
Factor tree of 40: 40 20,2 10,2,2 5,2,2,2
The GCF of 10 and 40 is 10. 10 is a factor of 40, and 10 is the largest factor of itself, so 10 is the greatest common factor of 10 and 40.
Since 40 is a factor of 120, it is automatically the GCF.
it is 40 because it is the greatest common factor for the numbers10 and 40
Yes, 10 is a factor of 40 because 40 is divisible by 10.
The greatest prime factor of 40 is: 5