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common denominators.

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Q: What is the first thing you should look for when adding or subtracting fractions or mixed numbers?
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Why you should know to get the LCM of two or more numbers?

It will help when you are adding and subtracting fractions.

When adding or subtracting fractions what should you do first?

For adding or substracting fractions first of all we should calculate the LCM( Lowest Common Multiplier) of the denominators in both of the fractions.

How do you do subtracting fractions with regrouping?

You do by subtracting one from the previous number and adding 10 to the top number of the digits you are regrouping. Subtract those two digits and you should get your answer.

Do you need a common denominator when subtracting fractions?

yes you should use a common denominator when subtracting with fractions, it makes it much easier.

How is adding and subtracting decimals similar to and different from adding and subtracting whole numbers?

You write down the numbers you want to add and subtract, making sure the decimal points are aligned. Then, you add (or subtract) EXACTLY as you would add or subtract integers. The decimal point in the solution should be aligned with the decimal points in the original numbers.

Subtracting -3 from a number is the same as adding what number?

the answer is that you should get a LIFE!

How is adding rational numbers different than adding whole numbers?

Whole numbers are rational numbers with a denominator of 1. The difference with general rational numbers is that the denominators are likely to be different and they must be made the same by converting the fractions into equivalent fractions with the same denominator before the addition can be done - by adding the numerators and keeping the denominator, and simplifying (if possible) the result. With whole numbers the denominators are already the same (as 1) and so the addition can be done straight away.

When asked to find the sum of two mixed numbers with different denominators you should before you add?

Convert the fractions into equivalent fractions with the same denominator. In actually adding mixed numbers, it is easier to convert the mixed numbers into improper (top heavy) fractions, do the addition, simplify the resulting fraction and convert any resulting improper fraction back into a mixed number.

Why do you line up the decimal when adding or subtracting decimal numbers?

Yes, When Adding and Subtracting decimals you should line up the decimals. You need to keep each place value in the same column, the same as when you add whole numbers you keep the ones column lined up, same for the tens, etc. Lining up the decimal points makes sure that the tenths column is kept together, same for the hundredths, and so on.

How is an english double negative like subtracting negative number?

subtraction is merely adding a negative number, so subtracting a negative number is adding the negative of a negative number. It should be pointed out that while most people find this concept obvious, it was not obvious to ancient mathematicians. In fact, as late as the 1800s, most mathematicians thought that negative numbers were nonsense.

When adding or subtracting decimals how many digits should the answer contain?

as many as needed to satisfy the accuracy needed.

What do you do with the decimal when adding?

When adding decimal numbers, the decimal points should be lined-up.