Use this formula to convert from square inches to square feet, : square inches x 0.00694 = square feet
Formula: square inches x 6.4516 = square centimeters
Square inches x 0.00694 = square feet
Square inches x 0.00694444 = square feet
1 square foot = 144 square inches.
Formula: square inches x 6.4516 = square centimeters
One square foot would be 12 inches by 12 inches, or 144 square inches. This means to convert square feet to square inches, multiply the number of square feet by 144 to to get the number of square inches.
Divide by 144
It is: 5*5 = 25 square inches
Use the formula area = pi times radius2 to get the area. The radius is half the diameter. A foot is 12 inches, a square foot is 144 square inches.Use the formula area = pi times radius2 to get the area. The radius is half the diameter. A foot is 12 inches, a square foot is 144 square inches.Use the formula area = pi times radius2 to get the area. The radius is half the diameter. A foot is 12 inches, a square foot is 144 square inches.Use the formula area = pi times radius2 to get the area. The radius is half the diameter. A foot is 12 inches, a square foot is 144 square inches.
34 inches
formula used is (pi)x(radius squared)= square inches (3.14)x(5x5)= 78.5 square inches